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PWD Delhi Hospital Entrance


691 Bed General Hospital
Madipur, Jwalapuri & Hastsal, Delhi
Client  - PWD Govt. of Delhi
Area    - 6.5 lac Sqft
Cost    - 420 Crores Each
Status - Under Construction
Collaboration - ARCOP as Lead Architect I Dearc as Design and Execution Architect

The three hospitals at multiple locations aim to provide quality, accessible and affordable secondary healthcare to the population of Delhi-NCR. Each of the hospital has dedicated General and MCH Emergency and OPD facilities, day care clinics like Derma, Dental, Opthal, Dialysis, PHMR, and ENT along with fully equipped imaging suite


Conceived as a gradient, spaces shift from active to quiet and in the increasing order of infection control as guests ascend within the building. The integration of modularity into the planning will allow the 3 star Griha rated hospitals to flex and adapt over time. 

110 Bed Multi-Specialty Hospital, Uganda
Type    - Multi-Specialty Hospital 
Client  - Norvik Enterprises Ltd
Area    - 1.4 lac Sqft
Cost    -  84 Crores
Status - Design Development

The Vertical Hospital facility will be the first of its kind in the city of Kampala and has the potential to change the narrative of healthcare architecture.


Working within a tight program-to-footprint ratio, the space accommodates fully equipped bed wards and rooms, 25 exam rooms including day clinics, dialysis suite, executive checkup, 24 hr emergency triage and pharmacy access, imaging suite including Cath lab, labs with associated support, and an entire eleventh floor work and dining space for staff and providers. Contemporary façade design reflects the aspirations of the city and its people. 

1000 Bed MCH Hospital
DDUH Expansion, Delhi
Client  - PWD Govt. of Delhi
Area    - 6.5 lac Sqft
Cost    - 420 Crores
Status - Tendering
Collaboration - ARCOP as Lead Architect I Dearc as Design and Execution Architect

This dedicated Mother and Child Care Hospital is designed as an extension to the existing DDU Hospital campus. The new 3-star Griha Rated and state-of-the-art Hospital Block will provide Department of Gynae & Obstetric, OSC, Pediatrics, NICU, Family Welfare, and fully equipped imaging facility. 


Crowd control and dispersion, wayfinding and infection control is achieved by two prong strategy - a. Separate visitor and patient/staff core, b. Separate entrance/exit for OPD, IPD, Emergency and Staff, c. Wings as planning module for air conditioning and ventilation. 



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